Friday, November 17, 2006

Moment of Truth

Okay folks, it's the moment of truth. We've officially ranked our whopping three school's that Nathan has interviewed at, and the results are: #1, Ohio State, #2 Univ. of Michigan, #3 St. Barnabas Hospital.

Now, I know that one Miss Kim will be angry with us but I must explain. Basically OSU and UM are pretty equal in the *awesomeness of the programs, residents, faculty, etc. The facilities are great, both are close to the parents. The only major factor between the two is that UM costs a lot of money in tuition w/o a stipend while OSU doesn't have tuition and pays a small since it will save us about $65000.00, we went with Ohio State. I know that sum may seem small in the grand scheme of things, it's pretty big.

So, there ya have. We will find out if we even get in to a school on Nov. 29th and we will post the results promptly. Pray for us. We're too poor to have to go through thas again next year!

*This is my blog and I'm allowed to use any words, made-up or otherwise, however and whenever I want...and you can't make fun of me for it. So there!


Kateastrophe said...

Well, as you can tell from my Blog,I am a HUGE Ohio State fan so congrats to you and good luck! I will probably be able to come visit too! I have lots of family in Columbus!

HaLaine said...

Congrats Lem! I hope you guys get in there!!

mama bear said...

Go Blue!! You know, what's another $65000 when you're in the company of great friends?!? We're surviving just fine, there's even enough money for my eyebrow addiction! Anyway, good luck and may the best school (UM) win you!

Emily said...

So, Kim...what exactly is threading? It just sounds painful. I must extend a big heartfelt THANK YOU to all of our friends and supporters on our little adventure called LIFE.

Bartimaeus said...

Ha Ha... I can, do and always will make fun of you!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

That is so awesome that you got your 1st choice! I didn't know how you had ranked them. Congrats even more!