Saturday, November 10, 2007

Boys' rooms and thankfulness

Since moving into our new house, which is a ranch with a full, finished basement, we've had to do some redecorating of the boys' rooms. My mom has been asking for pics, so here they are!

Okay, so these pics are more of the border and paint job that I did then the actual layout of the room. Which is okay because these rooms are t.iiii.ny. On Monday my awesome mother-in-law is coming over to help me paint a corner hutch I found on craigslist for $35 bucks and to do some other decorating. Once those projects are done I'll try to post some more pics of the inside of my house.

And now for my thankfulness list:

1. In-laws--mine anyway are truly awesome. My father-in-law always gets up with the kids in the morning whenever we visit or if they come here. They always let me take naps. And they are fantastic and patient with my children as they play baseball, basketball, soccer, horseshoes, etc. And then I just do absolutely nothing!!, which, of course, is fabulous.

2. craigslist--since discovering this wonderful tool in San Fran, I've found great treasures and deals on this wonderful internet helpmeet. God bless Craig and his imagination.

3. Kate--I've known Kate since college through a friend. We don't talk, write, email, or have any contact except through our blog, and while we don't have the history that she is loyally known for with our mutual friends; I love Kate because she is always the first one to comment on my blog and that makes me feel pretty darn special. And, I read her blog everyday...yeah, I pretty much secretly stalk her via blogdom. Thanks Kate for putting a smile on my face!

4. Disposable diapers--though I am feeling very guilty about using them now since I heard how long they take to decompose in the landfills. Any guesses? Now there's a new diaper on the market that has a flushable inner lining...go green!! But seriously, they make life so much more convenient and tolerable when dealing with poo. C'mon now, I can so poo on my blog 'cuz, well, it's MY blog. haha

5. My husband--my husband isn't superman. he's not perfect. he has just as many faults as I do but I love him with all my heart because he always tries his hardest to do his best. What more can a girl ask for? and one of his best traits, especially because I didn't have to train him on this one: he knows how to apologize!! Honestly, nothing calms anger, frustration, or just general annoyance then apologizing to your spouse, even over the smallest of things. I love you honey!


Kateastrophe said...

Hahah I stalk your blog too! you're so sweet! I was so excited when you jumped back in to blogging! I missed you and your cute family.

Your house is GORGEOUS. I'm super jealous of your lush, green grass. Stupid Arizona.

Anonymous said...

Awwww, I'll bet you gush on that way about all your inlaws!

The Olsen's said...

I am so glad you are back to blogging. I was checking three times a week for Months!!! yeah. I need your adress for Christmas card purposes! Love ya!!!