Thursday, October 23, 2008

All hallows Eve...

My .3 seconds of fame.

I was shopping for a Halloween costume for Camden at a random Halloween store. I was looking for a mummy costume that was inexpensive, or at least one I could copy at home. I did happen to find one to copy, however it was also the same time a photographer from the Columbus Dispatch was wanting to take pics of customers shopping for Beggars Night. I happened to be the ONLY customer in the store. So he just followed me around and I tried to suck in my gut and think thin. Thankfully I'm hardly in this shot but it was kind of fun to see Camden's name there.

Does anyone have any advice for me on how to keep my child from waking up so incredibly early? He never was an early riser but for the past six months he gets up between 6 and 6:30am and it's killing me!! Help!!

Oh, and I'll post some more pics today but I should probably be getting my child ready for school.


Adam and Cassie Pierson said...

Abby did that, well, does that too. What worked for us was putting a child lock on her door and giving her an alarm that went off at 7 and said that she was not to come out, or knock on her door until the alarm went off. The first morning she knocked on her door basically until the alarm went off, but after that she did fine. Good luck. :)

mama bear said...

Ooh, can I have your autograph? I hear your pain, 2 of mine were up at 5 this morning. I was thinking of just chaining them to the bed until about 9:30, what do you think? J/K, but let me know if anything works for you. I've heard lots of people using the clock idea, but my kids don't know how to read a clock yet.

Kristin said...

I'm with Cassie. We gave Noah a digital alarm clock and said he was not to leave his room until 7:30. He could stay in there and read, get dressed, whatever as long as he was quiet. It's really helped that we just moved him into his room, well until the baby comes, so he doesn't wake the others.

Also, just browsed that article. You guys have scheduled trick-or-treating? How weird. We just turn off our porch light and put out a sign that we're out of candy or else we get kids coming til 10! I'm expecting it to be a late night with Halloween on Friday this year.

acte gratuit said...

Woohoo! You are famous!!! And all you had to do was go shopping! Some people have all the luck!

Johnson Family said...

We have never used a clock, but Adah wakes up REALLY early and shares a room with her sister that would probably sleep in until 8am or so if Adah didn't wake her up. Anyway, we have told Adah she can't get out of bed and turn on the light until she hears us get up. We find stuffed animals, books, etc in her bed that she sneaks in with her in the morning to play with until she hears us, but at least she's quiet and in bed! She has been better though since she started school, I think she's more tired than she was before.

Jon. Jamie. Ethan. Lynsi. Katie. said...

Don't ya love fame!!!