Wednesday, October 13, 2010


It's 8:29am. I've been up since 7:44am. Not long. Nate is home this morning. You would think that because my husband is home that I would have plenty of time and help to get ready, take a shower, actually do my hair, etc this morning to leave at 9:20am for Wyatt's six month appointment. You would think.

Nope. I'm sitting here. Typing at my computer because our two bathrooms have been occupied by the three males in the family who use the toilet for the past 1/2 hour. !!!! @#$#% @#$# seriously!? Camden missed the bus because of said untimeliness. Aidan is downstairs taking up that portion. And I have yet to get in the shower. For the love!!

Why is the mom always the last one to be able to get ready? I am a girl. I do have shoulder-length hair. If I don't do it then it goes back in a ponytail and I look like crap. Like I don't care. It's not that I don't care, well sometimes it is, but mostly it's because I never have time. Whether it's because of Wyatt, or Aidan or whatever.

But this morning? This morning was supposed to have enough time. Yeah right. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up.

Does this happen to anyone else? Do your children take for.EVER. to go to the bathroom. heaven forbid they be rushed. I know you just gotta go when you gotta go but Camden always, I mean, always has to go right before we have to go somewhere. Church. If we're late it's because Camden was in the bathroom or because Aidan was being pokey. To any appt. To school. On a trip. Camden's bowels just know how to annoy me.

So I sit. Writing. Watching the minutes slip away and lamenting ponytail hair again. This is not helping my impulses to chop it off instead of dealing with the torture of growing it out.


acte gratuit said...

Try slipping 'em all some prunes or flax or something...might get things moving a little quicker!

(Gabe is quite the prolific pooper and has been known to make me late due to a marathon poop.)

(Yes, TMI, but you brought it up!)

rachel said...

Haha! I laugh because Ryan is the one who takes forever on the pooper! I love you! Yes, it took us an extra 15 minutes to go to Walmart today because Sophia wanted to pick a toy to take and she couldn't decide which one. Seriously!

Emily said...

whew! i'm just glad we're not the only family with bathroom issues...hahah. I'm perfect of course ;)
@Rach: where are you? why? for how long?

@Em: when are you coming back? to where? and Akins just moved 7 hrs away from us!