Wednesday, September 13, 2006


My son, always so fashion conscience. He was so excited because his rain boots matched his spiderman pajamas. Even his red eyes match.

Aidan isn't quite walking this rate his friend Molly, who's quite a few months younger than him, is going to walk before he does! But that's okay. In this picture, he's learning the joy of pushing his walker and going fast. He does stand on his own now and I'm hoping that maybe by the time he's two, he'll have gotten the hang of it.

On Saturday morning, Nathan was cuddling with Camden and Aidan got jealous so he decided he was going to sit on top of Camden's head and right on Nate's neck!! Aah, sibling rivalry...gotta love it.

And on a sad note, Aidan had his first experiment with gravity. I turned my back for two seconds...I'm serious!! and he fell off my bed. He cried more from being upset and angry at falling then being hurt but it was pretty sad.

Other than that, our family is doing great! Nathan is happy with his residency and all the different surgeries and procedures he's been able to assist with. We've completed the application process for Orthodontic school so now we're waiting, praying, and hoping for some interviews!


mama bear said...

Are you talking about my Mollie? She is walking already! Psych! Now, she doesn't even like to take steps when we hold her hands, but she does love to stand! Don't worry, the walking will come. You kids, of course, are adorable! We're praying for you, too. Did he apply to Mich?

Emily said...

DOH! Sorry for spelling her name wrong. Nate did apply to Michigan but I don't think he's holding his breath. I hate this whole waiting thing, it's agonizing!!

mama bear said...

since my last comment, she is actually "cruising" along the furniture now! I'll keep my ears open about interviews here and you better come with him!