Monday, February 05, 2007

It's bloody cold!

Now, I don't normally condone swearing on my blog, unless done by me of course, but I woke up this morning to -4 degrees outside, which with the wind chill feels like -12. NEGATIVE 12!!!! They freaking closed school because it was too cold for exposed skin!!! Hell has officially frozen over and I'm in it. ...for the next three years! We're advised to stay inside and avoid going outside if at all possible. I'm stuck in my house with a four year old who is emotionally unstable and because of said instability can't watch t.v. AT ALL today...stupid parents giving stupid punishments.

Okay, I'm done now. On a lighter note, here's some cute pics of my kids of anyone cares, which I know you ALL do. :)

Nathan took Camden ice skating for the first time. I couldn't be there because Aidan had to go to bed but Nate said he did a great job...Camden that is. haha. Camden really enjoyed himself.

Aidan has been finding it funny lately to lay back on the couch while reading a book. I think he's trying to copy certain adults in his life . Whatever the reason it really is cute.

Aidan has discovered how yummy spaghetti is and completely made the most of it. What cracks me up is how full his lips are. Aren't they so kissable?


acte gratuit said...

Hey, are you stealing lines from my blog? {*This blog does not condone swearing unless I'm the one doing it.} Or are we just both brilliant? Very cute pics. Max really liked ice skating his first time also.

Emily said...

Yep, it was out and out plagarism. I wrote it and because it sounded oddly familiar I went and reread your blog and so that's where it came from...scary that you're even in my subconcious.

Anonymous said...

another "great" day, with schools closed, roadways hazardous, etc. Cabin fever is right around the corner!