Sunday, December 28, 2008

so funny

I know that you all are recovering from the shock of so many posts in just a short time. Just try to breathe and the room should stop spinning.

We finally came home tonight. We love staying at the Springers: I don't have to cook, they play with my kids, I take naps everyday, I don't do dishes...what's not to love? But it always feels good to come home.

After unpacking, a little, Nate and I were relaxing on the couch and started looking at the pics we took. I L.O.V.E. this video of Aidan. Cracks me up. But first, the scene must be set.

Every year, as tradition dictates, the Springer clan goes caroling to a few families. This one sweet lady makes homemade caramels every year and upon our singing completion, we are presented with the coveted candy. They are SO GOOD! They're soft, not too sticky, and they just melt in your mouth.

We had just come home and of course Aidan wanted his candy. As his eyes rolled in the back of his head and he started drooling...we started asking him questions. Okay, so maybe it gets a little sticky and maybe we forgot to tell him what kind of candy it was since he's getting it wrong. But it still makes me laugh.

And while I'm waiting for this video to upload, I have a question. At what time do you order your Christmas cards with your family pictures on them? When do mail them out? How much do you spend, on average? And do you take a completely new family pic for the occasion or just do a random one. Well, that was more than one question but I'm curious because I totally suck at the Christmas card thing. It's like the blog posting thing. Everyone does it. Everyone's look good. I know I should do it to say hi, hugs and kisses, and miss you's to all my friends and family...but there's that expectation again. It's my own expectation but I just dig in my heels, procrastinate, and then it's too late and I'm like, "oh, oops. Christmas came so fast this year. I'll get them out next year." Cuz I like to lie and talk to myself. I need help, I'm quite aware of this.

Any places to recommend? Any tricks for making this easier? Are New Year cards lame?

This video is taking for. ev. er!!!!


acte gratuit said...

You're good enough, you're smart enough, and doggonit, I LIKE YOU!

So, are you guys members of Costco? Because until THIS YEAR, that's how we've always ordered our Christmas photo cards. It takes all of 10 seconds to upload your photo, then you can pick them up the next day at your local Costco. Ours is in Tokyo. Just 12 short hours away.
In years past, I would make it a goal to take our Christmas Pic on Thanksgiving Day. Why? Because Doug thinks you have to dress up for Thanksgiving. What-ev. But it works. Or, it did until this year until Gabe fell and slit his head open bleeding all over his photo shirt. Anyway, when we do the pic on Thanksgiving, everything is usually ready to go around the 1st of December which is usually my goal. I keep the addresses in a computer database so I just review, update, and press print.

UNTIL THIS YEAR! When everything was delayed, and then I had writers block, and then there was no Costco, and then we had a different computer with no addresses saved on it...

And that's why, my cards are still not done and I think New Year's Cards are FABULOUS!

Was that a long enough answer for you?

marissa said...

I was amazed to actually find something on your blog! I love Camden's costume and all the pics. Congrats on the graduation too!

For Christmas cards, the hardest part is finding a good picture. So we have now started the tradition of having a picture taken on Thanksgiving because then someone is there to take the picture instead of us trying to set up the timer and have an awful picture. Costco seriously takes 15 seconds and only costs $15 for 50 cards. That is the best deal by far!!

You look really cute in the zoo picture. What does Nate have growing on his face these days?

HaLaine said...

You are alive! Good to see ya...